Berichten met de tag Mindfulness
Vipassana 4.0. - A journey of discovery within (part 1)

How does one feel going off the grid for 10 days, completely disconnecting with the outside world, meditating most of the time? And why would you consider doing something like this? What benefits can you expect?

I’ve just finished my 4th Vipassana meditation course and like to take you with me on this journey of discovery within.

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Verander je gedachten, verander je leven

Eén van de kernelementen van geluk is hoe je naar het leven kijkt. Neig je eerder naar een pessimistische of naar een optimistische kijk? Zie je problemen in elke opportuniteit of zie je een opportuniteit in elk probleem?

Waar je ook naar neigt, het goede nieuws is dat onze persoonlijkheid niet vast ligt en je dus je optimistische kijk kan ontwikkelen. Je kan met andere woorden je mindset beïnvloeden en je brein trainen om meer geluk te ervaren.

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Are you here to experience life or to think about it?

⁠If you're like me, you're mostly living in your head, thinking a lot:

⁠How could that play out for me?⁠ How can I be happier?⁠ How should I do this "correctly"?⁠ Will that be the right choice for me?⁠ What if I fail?⁠ I screwed up yesterday (+ 100 extra discouraging thoughts)⁠. How are they doing this? And why am I not doing this?⁠ Tomorrow I will do this and that.⁠ ⁠And so on…

Thinking mode.⁠ ⁠A lot of how questions. A lot of putting myself into the past or the future.⁠

Read on to experience life more.

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How to cope with difficulties? 2 remedies for troubled times.

Recently I came across this quote: Some poor phoneless fool is probably sitting next to a waterfall somewhere totally unaware of how angry and scared he's supposed to be. - Duncan Trussell

How can we all try to be more like the phoneless fool sitting next to a waterfall totally unaware of how angry and scared he’s supposed to be? Not to close ourselves off but to have more peace of mind, to not be impacted as strongly by the current pandemic and the negative elements that sneak into our lives, to live more in line with what is good and helpful for our well-being, and to work on a life that makes us happy.

Read all about it here.

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4 tips to start meditating

Meditation is such a powerful practice to increase your peace of mind, decrease your stress levels, get more in tune with yourself, grow your self-confidence, increase your performance and become happier overall. Since 2014 I’ve been experiencing all of these benefits so I feel compelled to share how you can start with meditation and make it an integral part of your life.

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Level Up Your Life - wat niemand je vertelt over zelfvertrouwen

Er is dus nog een tweede belangrijke component voor het opbouwen van successen en dus je zelfvertrouwen, naast actie nemen… En het is iets dat we naar mijn gevoel te vaak over het hoofd zien ondanks het feit dat het veel makkelijker is dan actie nemen. We kunnen het immers vanuit onze luie zetel (Optie A) 😇.

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From Mindfulness to Compassionate Leadership - 5 insights from the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Training

I had a blast during the Search Inside Yourself Training in Amsterdam last week.

I’m happy to share 5 insights with you.

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Happiness by Design – Turn your life around

In previous post I introduced this topic and gave you relatively easy choices to increase your happiness and overall well-being. Now let’s dive into a few more choices you can make.

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