2 ways to unhappiness and how to turn them into happiness


There are 2 ways to unhappiness:

1/ Not getting what you want. A desire for something but not having it. Frustrating. ๐Ÿ˜ 

2/ Getting what you want. The 5-minute high and then: whatโ€™s next? A hunger for more ๐Ÿ˜’. Short term satisfaction.

A little mindset tip to counter these at first sight harmless facts of life and to become happier instead.

The Law of Impermanence

Enter the law of impermanence.

Nothing in life is permanent. Everything changes, always. We are born, we die. A flame rises and falls. One day we have plenty of colorful hair, and later much less and gray. Winter and summer. Day and night. One day we feel good, the other day we don't. People in our lives come and go. Things also.

In the bigger perspective, everything is changing, all the time. We and the world around us.


With this understanding, it becomes a little easier to not cling too much to what we have, to pleasure or to a desired outcome or result.


What we have now, will be gone one day or the other.

What we don't have yet, will also be gone one day or the other if we achieve it.

Which doesn't mean that striving for a goal in life becomes pointless. On the contrary. It's about working towards something, growing as a person, become a better version of yourself without craving the goal achievement in itself.

A means to an end: a happier you

The goal in itself can be seen as a means to an end, i.e. a focus point and an intention to a happier, stronger, more courageous you.


Grasping the law of impermanence also helps to not create too big of an aversion for loss, pain or not getting what we want.

The pain, the down, the frustration will also be gone one day or the other.

True happiness

True happiness can only be found within, i.e. living in a state where the clinging and aversion take up less of our mindspace and our happiness doesnโ€™t fully depend on the factors outside of us.

It's about being ok with the flow of life and the ever present law of impermanence ๐Ÿ˜‡.

Does it reason with you? Or is your life permanently permanent?

Let's explore the impermanence ๐Ÿ‘.


If you'd like to get more insights on living a happy, fulfilling life, you can subscribe to The Happiness Advantage series. #happyfor3

And check this page if you'd like to support your employees' happiness and mental well-being during challenging times and revive their resilience and performance.

And if youโ€™d like more info on the law of impermanence, you can read this blog post.

Jan Aquarius - Live. Grow. Matter.

Unfold your full potential.
